$10.99Tratamiento Leche De Cabra
- Tratamiento capilar con leche de cabra, rico en vitaminas y proteínas. Hidrata, fortalece y combate la resequedad, puntas abiertas, caspa seborreica y protege el cuero cabelludo. ¡Para un cabello saludable, brillante y lleno de vida!
$8.99Acondicionador Leche de Cabra
- El Acondicionador Leche de Cabra, rico en proteínas y vitaminas, combate la resequedad, reduce la caspa y deja tu cabello suave, brillante y saludable. Ideal para todo tipo de cabello.
$6.99Gotas de Brillo 7 Hierbas
“Protects, nourishes, and adds shine to your hair with our multivitamin sunscreen. Seals the cuticle and improves hair health. Ideal for all hair types.”
$10.20Ampollas 3 soluciones Coco y Jengibre
- Elimina el frizz, hidrata profundamente y potencia el brillo del cabello, protegiendo el color.
- Fortalece el cabello, reduce la caída y estimula el crecimiento para una melena abundante y saludable.
- Sella la cutícula, restaura puntas quebradizas y mejora el espesor del cabello con máxima nutrición.
$6.50Gotas de Brillo Cacao y Cúrcuma
Cocoa and Turmeric Drops
Hair treatment with vitamin E, thermal and UV protection. Provides shine, hydration, and protection for your hair.
$6.50Gotas de Brillo Leche de Cabra
“Protect your hair from sun damage, prevent split ends, and add shine and volume with our nourishing hair oil. Make your hair look healthy and radiant!”
$17.50Hair Loss Dropper Leche de Cabra
- “Intensive hair treatment with natural extracts of radish, sage, and verbena. Stimulates hair growth, strengthens the hair follicle, and prevents hair loss. A toning and nourishing formula for a healthy scalp.”
$6.50Gotas de Brillo Coco y Jengibre
- “Nourish, protect, and add shine to your hair with Coconut and Ginger Drops. Its multivitamin formula combats dryness, seals the cuticle, and protects from the sun, leaving your hair silky and radiant.”
Crema de Peinar Coco Kids
Crema sin Enjuague Coco Kids: tratamiento hidratante y nutritivo para cabello seco. Con aceite de coco y extracto de jengibre, previene la caída, protege del sol, cloro y agua salada. Ideal para peinar y estilizar.
$2.99Ampolla Laceadora Progresiva
- Progressive Smoothing Ampoule – Gradually smooths and controls frizz, leaving your hair soft, silky, and more manageable for longer. No damage, just natural results.
$17.50Dropper 7 Hierbas
- “Stimulate hair growth, reduce hair loss, and revitalize your scalp with our protein-enriched treatment. Ideal for keeping your hair healthy and strong.”
$17.50Cacao and Turmeric Dropper Hair Loss and Growth
🌿 Cocoa and Turmeric Dropper | Growth and Anti-Hair Loss ✨
A natural formula that stimulates blood circulation, strengthens the scalp, and activates hair growth. Enriched with cocoa and turmeric, it combats hair loss and deeply nourishes the hair. -
$2.99Ampolla Control de Caspas
- Dandruff Control Ampoule: Combats dandruff and soothes scalp irritation. Its exclusive formula keeps the scalp clean and balanced, promoting healthier hair from the root.
$2.99Anti-Frizz Ampoule
- Anti-Frizz Ampoule
Control frizz and tame rebellious hair with the Anti-Frizz Ampoule. It leaves your hair soft, shiny, and manageable, with a perfect, frizz-free finish—ideal for any climate!
- Anti-Frizz Ampoule
$17.50Gotero Anticaída e Hidratante KB Rizos (Copy)
- Gotero capilar con extractos naturales de Macadamia, Romero, Murta y más, que estimula el crecimiento saludable de tus rizos, reduce la caída del cabello y fortalece el folículo capilar. ¡Logra rizos fuertes y radiantes!